Middle East Water Forum
Founder: Dr. Hazim El-Naser
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Partial Solar Eclipse. Jordan, Wadi Rum, June 21, 2020
Partial Solar Eclipse. Jordan, Wadi Rum, June 21, 2020
Partial Solar Eclipse. Jordan, Wadi Rum, June 21, 2020
Partial Solar Eclipse. Jordan, Wadi Rum, June 21, 2020
INWARDAM Amman Meeting 08-02-2020
Dragon Storm- hitting Egypt 13-03-2020- A thunderstorm over the Great Pyramids of Giza.
King Talal Dam-Central Jordan-03-2020
Yarmouk Environmental Protection Area-North Jordan-03-2020
عاصفة رملية قوية تضرب الأردن تترافق مع تدني لمدى الرؤية الأفقية وهبات رياح تصل إلى 100كم/س…
Floods in Amman, Jordan, 26-12-2019
Floods in Amman, Jordan, 26-12-2019
High Quality Fire Hydrants of Down Town Chicago, USA
Chicago River-12.11.2019
Chicago River entering Chicago Lake-12.11.2019
Mediterranean Rain Fed Olive Oil Harvesting, Jordan Organic Extra Version Olive Oil, Octob…
Mediterranean Rain Fed Olive Oil Processing, Jordan Organic Extra Version Olive Oil, Octob…
Mediterranean Rain Fed Olive Oil Mixing and Separation, Jordan Organic Extra Version Olive…
Mediterranean Rain Fed Olive Oil Pressing, Jordan Organic Extra Version Olive Oil, October…
Mediterranean Rain Fed Olive Oil Bulk Filling, Jordan Organic Extra Version Olive Oil, Oct…
Unique Red Algae Photo from Wannsee Germany, August 2019
Mediterranean Cactus Rain fed < 200 mm of South Jordan
20 Years Young Euro Classic-Konzerthaus Berlin-04.08.2019
Lebanon-Dr A.Maragne-Tracer Infiltration Test Nahr Ibrahim
Lebanon-Dr A. Maragne-Snow_Plateau
Lebanon-Dr A. Maragne-karst+snow_Faqra
Lebanon-Dr A. Maragne-Jeita_Underground-River
Lebanon-Dr A. Maragne-Chabrouh-Dam
Lebanon-Dr A. Maragne-Beit-Chebab Animal Farm
Pomegranate on Precious Groundwater East Jordan
Grapes on Precious Groundwater East Jordan
Apricot on Precious Groundwater East Jordan
Werbellinsee Germany 17.06.2019
Werbellinsee Germany 17.06.2019
Ostsee (Baltic) Gemany 15.06.2019
Ostsee (Baltic) Gemany 15.06.2019
Wannsee Germany 25.05.2019
Wannsee Germany 25.05.2019
Roman Wall Painting 1st-3rd century AD. Discovered During Sewage Construction of Beit Ras …
Roman Wall Painting 1st-3rd century AD. Discovered During Sewage Construction of Beit Ras …
Roman Wall Painting 1st-3rd century AD. Discovered During Sewage Construction of Beit Ras …
Roman Wall Painting 1st-3rd century AD. Discovered During Sewage Construction of Beit Ras …
Barely Harvesting on Treated Wastewater, South Jordan 2018-2
Barely Harvesting on Treated Wastewater, South Jordan 2018-1
Amrah Desert Dam East of Jordan with Mud Cracks on the Shore May 2019.jpeg
Amrah Desert Dam East of Jordan Mud Cracks May 2019.jpeg
Al Harth Desert Dam East of Jordan May 2015.jpeg
Al Haranah Desert Dam East of Jordan May 2019 PM.jpeg
ILF&Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works, Iraq. Contract sig…
HE Charafat Afailal Presenting the MEWF at the International Agriculture Biosaline Forum, …
Wehdah Dam along the Jordanian-Syrian Borders. 27.04.2019 سد الوحدة على الحدود السورية …
The underground river of the Rahwe cave as seen in the main axis which emerges as the Rahw…
The Afqa Spring issue out of the entrance Afqa Cave, Lebanon, Representing a typical Karst…
King Talal Dam of Jordan Overflow March 2019
King Talal Dam of Jordan, March 2019
Opening Ceremony of the 5th Arab Water Week, Dead Sea, March 5th, 2019
From the Opening Ceremony of the Saudi Water Forum, Riyadh, March 17, 2019
Water Leaders Meeting on London 2019
A MoU was signed during the activities of the summit between Global Water Leaders (GWL) an…