The Middle East Water Forum Unveiled during the Global Water Summit
The Middle East Water Forum (MEWF) is officially announced during the activities of the Global Water Summit, London, April 8, 2019 with a sponsorship by the Global Water Leaders Group (GWL) and Global Water Intelligence (GWi). Ministers, Secretary Generals, Water Directors, Company’s CEOs and experts from the Middle East attended the event. Dr Hazim El-Naser, Founder and Chairman of the MEWF presented to the audience the vision and objectives of the online Forum which is a unique set up worldwide. The MEWF is hub for information, studies, expertise, new technologies as well as publisher of water articles and issues of regional interest in order to raise awareness and build water leaders to work towards regional security in the Arab World and the Middle East in General.
A MoU was signed during the activities of the summit between Global Water Leaders (GWL) and the Middle East Water Forum (MEWF) to promote technical cooperation and assistance between the two parties for the benefit of the Middle East eater security and water leadership.
Last month as well the MEWF was announced during the 5th Arab Water Week of ACWUA at the Dead Sea, Jordan, March 3-5, 2019 as well as during the Saudi Water Forum held in Riyadh, March 17-19, 2019.