Our Sand-Cycle remote RFID monitoring portal has now been extended with an API access.
This allows our customers to integrate the Sand-Cycle output into any local control system.
Optimizing sand filter performance has now become even more easy, by regularly
feeding the Sand-Cycle parameters into the local control (scada) system. Sand-Cycle is used
as a powerful real-time tool in continuous sand filters to watch the filter performance and to
optimize the process.
Application Programming Interface to facilitate communication
With the API we are starting direct communication between our Sand-Cycle application and
the customer’s control interface. The customer may do a web-request for third party
programs, the result is in the widely used JSON format. The data transfer is highly secured
by a unique access key, IP whitelisting and encrypted SSL traffic.
All Sand-Cycle process parameters real-time available
All Sand-Cycle parameters which are presented real-time via our dashboards are now also
updated every ten minutes and made available through the API access port. For each sand
filter the following real-time information is released: last activity, sand movement, homogeneity, sand circulation ,active bed volume total and unique tags.