By Brightwork
| Categories: Water Articles
| 24th November 2021
Do you know this feeling, when you are faced with a problem in your water or waste water treatment plant which cannot wait to be solved, as it is directly impacting your businesses? The stress, … More
By Brightwork
| Categories: New Technology
| 20th October 2021
''Collaborating to help using our global water resources respectfully'' starts with sharing knowledge.
Do you use continuous sand filtration as part of your water or wastewater trea… More
By Brightwork
| Categories: New Technology
| 20th October 2021
''Collaborating to help using our global water resources respectfully'' starts with sharing knowledge.
Do you use continuous sand filtration as part of your water or wastewater trea… More
By Brightwork
| Categories: Water Articles
| 30th September 2021
Tightening effluent consents due to river water quality drivers require further investment for improved removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WwTP).
As a re… More
By Brightwork
| Categories: Water Articles
| 19th June 2020
أصبحت القواعد التشريعية لتصريف مياه الصرف المعالجة في منطقة الاتحاد الأوروبي صارمة بشكل متزايد من حيث تركيز النيتروجين (N) والفوسفور (P). إن الالتزام بهذه القواعد قد أجبر مجالس المياه على تطبيق المرشح… More

اعتقد ان هذه التكنولوجيا جديرة بالاهتمام

ما هو اصغر حجم لهذا النظام وكم حجم كميه المياه بعد عمليه الترشيح وسعر الوحده

لاي استفسار يمكنك التواصل معي عبر البريد الالكتروني

Dear Ahmad,
The smallest size is MBF07 with 0.7 m2 filter surface. The capacity depends on solids load 5-10 m3 / h.
Can you send to me more details about the project to my email-adres:
The smallest size is MBF07 with 0.7 m2 filter surface. The capacity depends on solids load 5-10 m3 / h.
Can you send to me more details about the project to my email-adres:

يا ريت لو في توضيح اكثر
By Brightwork
| Categories: New Technology
| 19th June 2020
The legislative norms for treated wastewater discharge in terms of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)
concentrations are becoming increasingly stringent in the EU region. Compliance with the conse… More
By Brightwork
| Categories: New Technology
| 18th June 2020
Our Sand-Cycle remote RFID monitoring portal has now been extended with an API access.
This allows our customers to integrate the Sand-Cycle output into any local control system.
Optimizing sand fil… More

that's really good and would solve so many operational problems
By Brightwork
| Categories: Water Articles
| 11th June 2020
“Speed is of the essence”, with that motto in mind, BW Products rapidly provides a continuous sand filter in Wales. Within a few weeks this filter installation will be in operation by… More

Would be good, if you can post a proper technical article so we can share it with all registered member of MEWF 2000+

Is there any demonstration of technology. I mean a real case scenario with results

Thank you for sharing, indeed good sand filters are so important over here. Hope to see more demonstration of the technology

Thank you for sharing, indeed good sand filters are so important over here. Hope to see more demonstration of the technology

@dr-hazim-el-naser-1. Yes, sure we can!
To which email adres can I send it?
To which email adres can I send it?

On the website and you can found more demonstration about the technology.
Farah Al-Massri
Farah Al-Massri

Thanks for sharing such new technology, I believe we need it over here