By anas-farraj
| Categories: Water Articles
| 9th March 2020
Developing proper capabilities of staff and organizations is a key to successful translation of IWRM concepts and principles into concrete actions to solve water resources problems and to address the … More

Very useful capacity building programs especially for the Arab World. I urge ACWUA to look into these programs and see how they can cooperate with the member countries.

Any Idea about the fees for this program?

برنامج رائع هل يوجد في غزه ؟.

Is it for students as or for companies ?

Dear @rabbea-awad, thank you very much for your interest. We do offer these training courses for all; students, companies, water utilities etc.. depends on the target group needs

Dear @nihad-asalia, the participation fees depends on the number of participants and if it's in-house training for one client (company) or public training course. If 5 to 7 participants are interested in one topic, it will be announced for public. Please feel free to contact me via my email